Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blog #3- 2

option 1- Martin Luther King Jr. was a very inspirational leader in the civil rights movement using non violent tactics. With his interesting start as a Baptist pastor in Montgomery, Alabama, King was born an enthusiastic leader who was right in the middle of the issue of racial segregation by coming from Alabama. One of the first start to King's inspirational life was the Montgomery Bus Boycott. He became the president of the Montgomery Improvement Association which was created during the boycott and he became a prominent leader of the boycott. Here King was arrested for helping start this protest. 
From here King continued to increase his influence on those around him and continued to become more and more involved. He believed in the power of peaceful protests by stating "Not one hair of one head of one person should be harmed." With the church to back him and his inspirational speeches, Martin Luther gained followers and support. 
It will be interesting looking at how he had an effect on the Greensboro sit-ins by students in North Carolina. I have a book that I am using another class that talks about the Greensboro sit-ins and what had caused them. 
For a primary souse, I want will use Martin Luther's speeches and sermons to prove what his message was. Also, I want to use the book "Souls of Black Folk" because this gives another perspective on the civil rights movement that talks of peaceful protests and the faults an good of it.  

option 2- For research about Upton Sinclair, I think it is most helpful to find books about that have exerts from The Jungle and then commentate on the exert from the book. I think this is the most helpful because then that gives me an idea of the political sides behind the writings of the book and what it would have meant to those in that time period. One book i have is "After the Fact" The Art of Historical Detection" which does this exact thing. It talks about The Jungle  not only helping to improve meat packaging companies, but many food places. U have also found many .edu sites about this topic. 

I think in writing on this i would have to focus on the outcomes this book had on the economy and political aspect of laws that were passed and how the society responded. 

option 3-  One thing I found while researching was the importance of the public opinion on this topic. I want to use newspaper clippings as well as cartoons that depict how the view on the railroad was different from one person to another. Also, I have looked up the history and the politics behind the railroad and what it means fr different people.

I also want to look at the benefits of having the railroad, the conflict it cause, and the disadvantages. I wold look at the effect big businesses had on the railroad companies and how it progressed the building of the railroad. 

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